Product Characteristics: DESIGN:
Elke pendant highlights our discreet Mika 4230 diffusor by redefining its volume and scale. Lighted versions (4226) or the versions without light source (4226U) can be used alone or arranged to create impressive layouts, while multiplying the sound absorption. Available in 3 sizes and with the possibility to mix the felt panels color which are cut by a high precision CNC cutter.

Elke is suspended from an aircraft cable and powered by a clear electrical cable with standard or slim magnetic canopy available in white fine textured finish, with no visible fastener. Elke Unlit is suspended on an aircraft cable without canopy and is assembled without tools with an ingenious crisscross joining system.

The shade is composed of interlocked sound absorbing panels that increase acoustic comfort. The main panels fulfill the geometric aspects while the cut-open blades complete the bold look and keep everything airy. They are made from synthetic felt composed of recycled and recyclable polyethylene (PET) fibers with low VOC levels, formaldehyde-free, non-irritant and odorless. Panels are available in 30 colors. Finish BLKE | WHE
Shade Finish: ABF | AWF | BBF | BOF | BTF | BYF | CHF | NBF | OBF | PGF | PREM | REF | SGF | TGF | ZFF
nLight Enabled
nLight® Air Enabled
Available Light Sources
12W, LED

Joli Elke Marro Thumbnail 2

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